Update Logs
Update Logs
Updates and Additions
We are CONSTANTLY Adding New Records Or Updating Old Records to ensure the data is current and reflective of new biological information.
Common changes we make include adding or improving the images in the database, fixing small typos or errors and most importantly updating the Biological Information for a record.
Logged Updates
Everytime the Biological Information (Latin Name, Common Name, Family, Class, Order) for a record is touched in the database it is logged in the table below. The information could come from our own research or from a user update.
The table shows the new data for a specific Unique ID, however you can quickly and easily compare the old and new information by simply clicking on the ‘Compare’ button.
Old Latin Name:
New Latin Name:
Old Common Name:
New Common Name:
Old Family:
New Family:
Old Order:
New Order:
Old Class:
New Class: