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Giraffes On Stamps

Giraffe on Tanzania Stamp

Giraffes on stamps is a wonderful topic for a collection. Stamps range from rare classic sets to postage stamps with giraffes as a minor image on the stamp. 

Giraffes are one of the most iconic creatures of Africa! The beautiful long neck, and the unique polygon patterns on the skin make this animal one of the most distinctly recognizable species on the planet.

My interest in collecting giraffes on stamps was sparked by a wonderful website that had a listing of all giraffes found on postage stamps from issuing authorities all over the world. Unfortunately, I can no longer find that site online. 

The Animals On Stamps Database lists over 400 stamps with giraffes on them and it is our hope this listing serves as an updated replacement to the site that sparked my interest all those years ago. 

Giraffe on a Postage Stamp
Giraffe on a Postage Stamp

Giraffes on Stamps - the Biology

Giraffes have been a known species since the dawn of time as the many cave paintings in Africa with Giraffe ancestors can attest to. The modern classification of Giraffe was originally classified by Linnaeus, in 1758.

Over time, many scientists have described subspecies, and up to 9 are readily identified.

Some of the most current research indicates that the Giraffe may actually be 4 distinct species, and 8 subspecies.

  • Latin_Name: Giraffa camelopardalis
  • Authority: (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Common_Name: Giraffe
  • Family: Giraffidae
  • Order: Artiodactyla
  • Class: Mammalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Kingdom: Animalia

  • A prominent behavioral feature of most Giraffes is ‘necking’. This behavior is usually between males to assert dominance, and involves using the lengthy (and heavy!) neck as a battering ram on each other to force one into submission! Giraffes are one of the longest living ruminants in Africa with some individuals living up to 38 years.

    Giraffes on Stamps - The Stamps

    Classic Stamps

    The first stamps with Giraffes on them appeared in 1901. Nyassa stamps were issued by a corporation in East Africa, and this eventually evolved into what is today a part of Mozambique. 

    Different valuations, and provisional overprints make these early issues a challenge to identify, and collect. 

    Ethiopia had  giraffe stamps from 1916, but in 1922 Tanganyika produced a lovely classic set, with the central black giraffe surrounded by a colored vignette. These 20 stamps (including watermark varieties) are keenly sought after by classic collectors and animal thematic collectors. 

    Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) had some lovely stamps that spanned over 3 British Monarchs also featured with Giraffe stamps

    First Stamp with a Giraffe on it
    Picture of the Most Expensive Postage Stamp with a Giraffe On it.

    Modern Stamps

    At some point in the late 1950’s giraffes became a more prominent topic found on postage stamps from all over the world. 

    A personal favorite is the Tanzania souvenir sheet issued in 1999 that is on a stark white background. The extra space allowed by the souvenir sheet displays a spectacular Giraffe! This postage stamp is featured at the top of this blog post.


    three different stamps with Giraffes on them
    Postage Stamp with many mammals including a giraffe on it

    Giraffes On Stamps In The Animals On Stamps Database

    Giraffes are contained in the Wild Mammal Database on Animals on Stamps. Here are some quick statistics on the number of postage stamps with giraffes on them contained in this database.

    Number of Records
    Issuing Authorities

    Number of Records Per Issuing Authority

    Where To Buy Stamps With Giraffes


    Number of Records By Category - Animals On Stamps

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    Giraffe on Tanzania Stamp

    Giraffes On Stamps

    Giraffes on stamps is a wonderful topic for a collection. Stamps range from rare classic sets to postage stamps with giraffes as a minor image

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